If this was a service for private transactions this could expose the shop owners to charges of handling stolen goods.
Imagine a wall of lockers where every door revealed someone else's Brooks.
I advanced a similar idea a while ago, the idea being that one would pay a small monthly fee - similar to the buy the server a beer thing- that would allow use of the "customer" tools at the bike shop, and also allow members to have bike parts delivered to the shop and stored until the member could arrive and fit them.
So, for example, I have purchased a new crankset on eBay, I have it delivered to the bike shop and then go there after work to use their press to fit it.
Being a member I have signed off on the "your break it you bought it" rule, so if, for example, I ruin the BB chase/face tool I know I am liable for £500.
I might, in that instance, pay the mechanic to use it for me.
I advanced a similar idea a while ago, the idea being that one would pay a small monthly fee - similar to the buy the server a beer thing- that would allow use of the "customer" tools at the bike shop, and also allow members to have bike parts delivered to the shop and stored until the member could arrive and fit them.
So, for example, I have purchased a new crankset on eBay, I have it delivered to the bike shop and then go there after work to use their press to fit it.
Being a member I have signed off on the "your break it you bought it" rule, so if, for example, I ruin the BB chase/face tool I know I am liable for £500.
I might, in that instance, pay the mechanic to use it for me.