• #627
Fuck me. I just got home all excited after finally fixing my polo bike (Cheers, Sean!) and now I just want to retire it.
• #628
We need this in polo...
• #629
^ I thought this was gonna happen after the LI?
• #630
Could it happen for the London league? Would be cool.
• #631
josh if you arrange it, we might let you into the LPC forum....
• #632
Think i am alright.
• #633
has anyone heard anything from rik???
• #634
with regards to what?
• #635
Yeah, baseball cards. gotta happen.
just like polo call me maybe spoof!
• #636
Bike polo player card is something i want since so long.
The London invitationnal was a first improvised try who show us how cool it is.Somebody should make just a cool frame for card, and players could send a picture of them with few informations, as right or left handed, kiind of bike he ride (brand or size of the wheel), mallet lenght, capped or not, and two or three other fun things.
• #637
shadowman beats 'em all
• #639
So harsh.
• #640
I didnt fill them in that was aidan. He was always pretty harsh.
• #641
Saturday in Vienna, participants of an alleycat had to face regular polo players in a short polo match with a fireball ;)
Noone wanted to stay in goal, I wonder why ...
• #643
I love the level of organisation the North Americans have.
Qualifier windows, regional allocations, etc.
I really wish Europe would get it's act together, and do some of the stuff the NAH is doing.
• #644
Way easier when you're a single landmass accessible by van, and you all speak the same language.
• #645
say that without the funny accent kev.
• #647
You can't access Hawaii by land.
• #648
North America is substantially larger. So land travel isn't really a valid point. Even within region you could have 30 hours driving to your 'local' qualifier. Granted, they are contiguous for the most part, but if you remove ireland and the uk from the scenario, so is europe. At least the UK has trains connecting to the mainland. And let's not forget substantially cheaper airfare in europe. Language barrier is arguably the largest issue, but we all manage somehow. There's no reason that a proper organisational body couldn't be set-up. The excuses based on USA's apparent advantages are getting old.
• #649
Getting your mates to pile into a van, where there's no hassle with customs, border controls, packing your bike up, spurious extra charges, and so on, seems a lot easier and cheaper to me. Its not the length of the travel, its the restrictions and cost.
Bringing a bike on the eurostar isnt as simple as just popping it in the space where the doors open.
Language barriers slow cohesive and complicated organisation down.But yeah if you feel the excuses are getting old, then organise it...
• #650
I can see what you're saying, but having driven in a van from nyc to ottawa, it is neither easy, nor cheap. I think it worked out around $150 per person, and that's with 8 people in the van, splitting costs. In this example we had customs as we were going to canada.
you should fill up a van of people and take the channel tunnel. it's arguably as easy.
I'll be moving back to new york in three weeks, so trying to help organise a european body from a different continent seems a little odd.