• Suggestions with an email problem that we think is down to the Mac stuff we use. - the Genius bar were stumped.


    My wife has an NTL email account. Depending on which device she uses to send emails the recipient either gets her name or my name listed as the sender. I don't have an NTL email and never had.

    On the imac at home the email recipient gets her name listed as the sender.
    On her ipad3 the email recipient gets my name as the sender
    On her iphone5 the email recipient gets my name as the sender
    If she logs into her NTL email account on my mpb then the email recipient gets her name as the sender.

    Why would this happen? The NTL email is a web based email acount and they device used to access the account shouldn't have any affect on what name the recipient see's.

    The ipad was bought in June and she got the phone in October. It has be something with the way she set them up but I don't know what nor do the genius bar guys as I said earlier.

    Any suggestions on what we can do to rectify this? She's getting annoyed that her emails appear to be sent from me!

    She doesn't want to set up a new email address as she's had the NTL for years and its printed on business cards etc.

    If you can offer any help it would be much appreciated, please explain in simple terms as I'm a bit slow with these kind of things.
