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  • Smooth departure from Hammersmith at 10am on friday along the M4, arrived in the principality mid afternoon. Bikes prepped we headed for the fire road out of Resolven and up, up up to a beautiful sight and among the mountains north of Neath.

    This little spin out had all the hallmarks of a classic shake down, leg stretcher, the sun was out, the distinctive long white cloud hanging in the valley, heavy plant crunching catepillar tracks, churning up the fire road, iron ore lumps scattered about, fine pine needles in the verges. Deep rutted and steep single tracks, overgrown, huge boggy sections.. Two spills and a spectacular somersault crash on my first outing on the new 29er.. We are here to christen this bike with welsh mud, and rock scratches.. The disc brakes are too soft, the tires are chunky, the saddle is too high for descending (need quick release clamp). And we marvel at Bernie's non suspension MTB maneurves. Arrive back with big smiles.

    After pizzas, pasta and red wine.. We head to the metropolis of Neath and visit every decent bar, local knowledge is shared. Plenty of spray on tans, dodgy tattooes, leopard print 'bet lynch' dresses.. The working men's club and the ambassadors being the liveliest venues. So much for planning an early start for the big day, we have six hours sleep and epic hangovers to look forward to. If anyone asks who we are, Bernie and I are cousins from Cimla.

    Mental is a local expression


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