I was forwarded the email below and thought it'd be worth sharing.
If anyone is interested in making their views on road safety known, attend on 27th November, TFL are holding sessions. It'd be cool to have more cyclists represented**, maybe go some way to improving conditions.
** From: kings cross gyratory kingscrossgyratory@tfl.gov.uk Date: 14 November 2012 15:31:47 GMT To: Undisclosed recipients:; Subject: **Kings Cross Focus Groups
Dear Stakeholder
**Improving the roads in Kings Cross
**Transport for London (TfL) is undertaking a feasibility study of the main road network in the Kings Cross area. We are aiming to improve the roads, including road safety, in the area the roads to benefit all users including residents and visitors. As a representative of a local community group/business we invite you to come along to a focus group and help identify how Kings Cross could be improved in the future.
We are working in partnership with the London Borough’s of Camden and Islington on this project. This study covers the following roads:
· A201 Penton Rise, Kings Cross Road
· A501 Pentonville Road, Gray’s Inn Road, Acton Street, Swinton Street
· A5202 Pancras Road, Midland Road, Goods Way
· A5203 Caledonian Road, Wharfdale Road
· A5200 York Way
We are holding some focus group sessions which will help to inform the feasibility study. We would like to seek your views, at either of the two focus groups detailed below. At these focus groups we would like to know how you think these roads could be improved, as well as your thoughts about how King’s Cross could be improved for people who live, work and travel in the area. We have appointed Andy Firman, an independent facilitator, to chair and manage these sessions.
**What do you think?
**We invite you, or another representative of your business/organisation to attend one of our focus group sessions.
Kings Cross Neighbourhood Centre
51 Argyle Street
20 November 2012, 19:00 – 20:30
27 November 2012, 17:00 – 18:30
In order to ensure that the community has an equal input into study, we request that only one person represents each organisation/business.
Please email <kingscrossgyratory@tfl.gov.uk> kingscrossgyratory@tfl.gov.uk or telephone 074818 048909 to select your preferred session by the close of 18 November 2012. The number of people attending each session will be limited, and whilst we aim to accommodate individual preferences, if your preferred session is oversubscribed we will only be able to offer the alternative date and time.
In addition, if you would like to suggest a discussion point for the agenda, please feel free to do so.
Further information will be provided at the meeting about the key stages of the project and opportunities for you to have your say, throughout the process.
I was forwarded the email below and thought it'd be worth sharing.
If anyone is interested in making their views on road safety known, attend on 27th November, TFL are holding sessions. It'd be cool to have more cyclists represented**, maybe go some way to improving conditions.
From: kings cross gyratory kingscrossgyratory@tfl.gov.uk
Date: 14 November 2012 15:31:47 GMT
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: **Kings Cross Focus Groups
Dear Stakeholder
**Improving the roads in Kings Cross
**Transport for London (TfL) is undertaking a feasibility study of the main road network in the Kings Cross area. We are aiming to improve the roads, including road safety, in the area the roads to benefit all users including residents and visitors. As a representative of a local community group/business we invite you to come along to a focus group and help identify how Kings Cross could be improved in the future.
We are working in partnership with the London Borough’s of Camden and Islington on this project. This study covers the following roads:
· A201 Penton Rise, Kings Cross Road
· A501 Pentonville Road, Gray’s Inn Road, Acton Street, Swinton Street
· A5202 Pancras Road, Midland Road, Goods Way
· A5203 Caledonian Road, Wharfdale Road
· A5200 York Way
We are holding some focus group sessions which will help to inform the feasibility study. We would like to seek your views, at either of the two focus groups detailed below. At these focus groups we would like to know how you think these roads could be improved, as well as your thoughts about how King’s Cross could be improved for people who live, work and travel in the area. We have appointed Andy Firman, an independent facilitator, to chair and manage these sessions.
**What do you think?
**We invite you, or another representative of your business/organisation to attend one of our focus group sessions.
Kings Cross Neighbourhood Centre
51 Argyle Street
20 November 2012, 19:00 – 20:30
27 November 2012, 17:00 – 18:30
In order to ensure that the community has an equal input into study, we request that only one person represents each organisation/business.
Please email <kingscrossgyratory@tfl.gov.uk> kingscrossgyratory@tfl.gov.uk or telephone 074818 048909 to select your preferred session by the close of 18 November 2012. The number of people attending each session will be limited, and whilst we aim to accommodate individual preferences, if your preferred session is oversubscribed we will only be able to offer the alternative date and time.
In addition, if you would like to suggest a discussion point for the agenda, please feel free to do so.
Further information will be provided at the meeting about the key stages of the project and opportunities for you to have your say, throughout the process.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Claire Alleguen