I'll tell it anyway. Perhaps it'll cheer philosovril up.
A German couple have a baby boy. All is well, until they notice that as he grows up a little, he isn't talking. He laughs and cries, but no words. At all. His toddler years pass, still no talking. He grows up some more, still no talking.
One day, when the boy is about 8, he and his parents are having dinner. He starts on his pudding, and suddenly says, quite calmly, 'This apple strudel is lukewarm.'
His parents exclaim with joy and surprise that little Joachim has finally uttered a normal sentence.
'Son', asks his father, 'if you can talk well, why have you never spoken, not even one tiny thing, until this moment?'
'Well, up to now, everything has been satisfactory.'
laughing in Germany, will steal this.