Couple of things to look forward to over the next week or so...
27th November - Morning Sky
Saturn and Venus very close together in the pre-dawn sky. Look rather low down in the southeast from around 6.30am. Venus is unmistakable as the brightest point of light in the sky. Saturn will be less than a degree away above it. Also try and spot Mercury to the lower left of the pairing. Mercury has its best morning apparition of 2012 in late November and early December. It is very easy to spot if the sky is clear and you have an unobstructed horizon.
28th/29th November - Evening Sky
The Moon and Jupiter have a close conjunction on this night. Jupiter will be the bright object just to the upper left of the very nearly Full Moon. They are closest together just before 1am on the 29th. The pair are close to the V-shaped head of Taurus the Bull, also known as the Hyades.
Couple of things to look forward to over the next week or so...
27th November - Morning Sky
Saturn and Venus very close together in the pre-dawn sky. Look rather low down in the southeast from around 6.30am. Venus is unmistakable as the brightest point of light in the sky. Saturn will be less than a degree away above it. Also try and spot Mercury to the lower left of the pairing. Mercury has its best morning apparition of 2012 in late November and early December. It is very easy to spot if the sky is clear and you have an unobstructed horizon.
28th/29th November - Evening Sky
The Moon and Jupiter have a close conjunction on this night. Jupiter will be the bright object just to the upper left of the very nearly Full Moon. They are closest together just before 1am on the 29th. The pair are close to the V-shaped head of Taurus the Bull, also known as the Hyades.