• #77
Thank you for the kindness, and for taking the time to reply to pms and send all these little bits of light into world.
Won't motorists be pleased. The other day I saw, rather heard, a cyclist curse a van driver right down to the depths of hell for turning right off Essex rd and impeding the his right of way. I sympathised with the van driver. Cussing Skidder was relying on the brilliance of his white aero spoke to be seen by the world....he had Maladroit visibility skills :)
Cheers again. -
• #78
Just received mine in the post today.
Thanks again. Appreciated.
• #79
Christmas comes early! Thanks in advance adroit, you're a star.
• #80
Wow this is incredibly generous of you - thanks! PM coming your way...
• #81
Neighbour is costume maker looking for hi viz stuff, have shouted her & hope there's some left in a day or so when she let's me know. V.kind offer of yours.
• #82
Many thanks Adroit, you're a true gent...
• #83
Neighbour is costume maker looking for hi viz stuff, have shouted her & hope there's some left in a day or so when she let's me know. V.kind offer of yours.
This free offer is specifically for cyclists, forumengers even, to help a teeny bit with their safety.
Costume designers? >>>>>>>>>>>> -
• #84
Unless they want to stick on their bike, in which case
<<<<<<<<<<<<< costume designers -
• #85
It's for a costume for a light festival around Calder valley which has bike ride element, performer is using old bike parts to make what I can only describe as "spinny things" too, which I'm also helping source. Your call really. edit, although I cannot promise the material will end up on an actual bike.
• #86
Shiny bits received the other day but not stuck to anything yet.
I’m think I might cut it into strips and stick it onto my helmet.
Thanks a lot.
• #87
Marvellous stuff....I have cheekily requested some more for the GFs new frame which I am hopefully picking up from armourtex on friday....thanks adroit!!
• #88
Received with thanks and a bump - a generous no strings attached offer for the forum by the forum. No reason not to take advantage.
• #89
Received mine yesterday. In use today!
Thanks a million -
• #90
Bump before I go to the post office
• #91
Ooh...could I get some gold and red please! PM'ing now.
What an ace offer!
• #92
Whoop! Just got mine in the post. This shizzle is some proper professional grade reflective strips. Cheers!
• #93
Big thanks to Adroit, a man who keeps his promises. Stickers arrived with a lovely handwritten letter - thank you.
I doff my cap to you sir!
• #94
Stickers arrived - they look perfect.
Have a well-deserved bump, you star!
• #95
mine arrived. thank you very much
• #96
mine arrived, thanks very much :-) lovely handwritten note as well!
• #97
Got mine too, will be shiny shiny on the commute now, they could also double up as christmas tree decorations ;)
• #98
PM sent!
• #99
I now have some red on the back of my bike, some yellow on the right side and white on front. Quite pleased with it
• #100
Hey adroit! I've PMd you if you've got any left... Cheers!
Liking the hand written touch, good work. The kids will love this on their bikes.