I had to call out a Hi-Vis speed demon this morning. Tavistock Place (A fairly habitual chasm of fucknodderwhittery behaviour)
Hi Vis fucktard has been tailing everyone in the cycle lane, and at a Zebra crossing just spins through, virtually taking out two Lady peds. The way he just kept going infferred he had no realisation of what he'd just done so in a moment of clarity, moderate grumpiness caught up and called him out
Me 'You realise you nearly hit two women back there?'
HVr 'Sorry, I shan't do it again - I was'nt looking' - Admission, granted he'd made a mistake but man enough to apologise.
What I did'nt expect from behind me
(imagine full squeaky voice, slightly adonoided, and female, very cockney)
'Are you the police, why can't you just leave us alone, it's victimisation'
When I pointed out that I too was on a bike, and not a policeman, merely pointing out a very near miss to Hi Vis retard 'Yeah, but you're one o them special ones innit'
Lord - Please remove any potential for that gene pool to gain any further momentum
Made me chuckle...