yeah, I used Kingsland Glass for some other stuff as per your recommendation earlier in this thread. great guys, would use them again.
thing is, splashbacks over the entire kitchen worktop would set me back about 300 quid so keen to have glass only over sink to begin with. then get the rest of the splasback in a year or so. secondly, I am worried that a wobbly wall would mean the glass splashback could be more likely to break.
yeah, I used Kingsland Glass for some other stuff as per your recommendation earlier in this thread. great guys, would use them again.
thing is, splashbacks over the entire kitchen worktop would set me back about 300 quid so keen to have glass only over sink to begin with. then get the rest of the splasback in a year or so. secondly, I am worried that a wobbly wall would mean the glass splashback could be more likely to break.
PVA to reduce paint being sucked in?
use carlight to fill in crumbled acquapanel?