There's a little crawl between old st and angel.
The old fountain - the wenlock tavern - the earl of Essex - the Charles Lamb - the craft beer co N1 (opening this Friday)
All good but different types of pub with great selections of well kept ale.
Not a lot central, and some of the clerkenwell pubs close at the weekend.
The bree Louise may have good pies but a lot of their beer is on gravity and
not always served in the best condition... #beersnob
There's a little crawl between old st and angel.
The old fountain - the wenlock tavern - the earl of Essex - the Charles Lamb - the craft beer co N1 (opening this Friday)
All good but different types of pub with great selections of well kept ale.
Not a lot central, and some of the clerkenwell pubs close at the weekend.
The bree Louise may have good pies but a lot of their beer is on gravity and
not always served in the best condition...