Thanks snottyotter
I think I sorted it by taking the battery out. Digging around the bit of metal inside the charging hole with a pin making in more central and removing loads of crud.
So far so good. I suspect dodgy dirty chargers may have been responsible. Next plan is to use some white spirit to clean all the exposed metal bits around the charger and phone.
(Eventually got this solution dredging through loads of crap Internet so called samsung support forums)
Thanks snottyotter
I think I sorted it by taking the battery out. Digging around the bit of metal inside the charging hole with a pin making in more central and removing loads of crud.
So far so good. I suspect dodgy dirty chargers may have been responsible. Next plan is to use some white spirit to clean all the exposed metal bits around the charger and phone.
(Eventually got this solution dredging through loads of crap Internet so called samsung support forums)