Its not bad, visually pretty good, game play is ok.
The first part is really irritating in its lack of control, its like an unskippable video, with minimal user control.
could have been ideal as a tutorial, but misses the mark (namely becasue you dont end up with the nanosuit until the end of the 'level')
once you get passed it, its good.
but incredibly frustrating for the first 15 minutes or so.
Also there is a Ratchet & Clank game (all 4 one? maybe) too, but i ve not DLed it yet.
started Crysis 2 (free for PS+ers this month)
Its not bad, visually pretty good, game play is ok.
The first part is really irritating in its lack of control, its like an unskippable video, with minimal user control.
could have been ideal as a tutorial, but misses the mark (namely becasue you dont end up with the nanosuit until the end of the 'level')
once you get passed it, its good.
but incredibly frustrating for the first 15 minutes or so.
Also there is a Ratchet & Clank game (all 4 one? maybe) too, but i ve not DLed it yet.