Page 93 of Brendan Rogers 180 page dossier to FSG: "Success is an illusion. I will play young inexperienced players in as many games as possible, then if we lose those games, I will spin it around and say that the players were outstanding and that I am blooding youngsters. The fans and media will lap it up and believe that we will be doing the same thing as Alex Ferguson did with his class of 92. The more I spin it, the more the fans will not question either myself or FSG and therein buy us both valuable time to suck as much money from the club and the fans as we possibly can".
This just in from our beloved leader:
Page 93 of Brendan Rogers 180 page dossier to FSG: "Success is an illusion. I will play young inexperienced players in as many games as possible, then if we lose those games, I will spin it around and say that the players were outstanding and that I am blooding youngsters. The fans and media will lap it up and believe that we will be doing the same thing as Alex Ferguson did with his class of 92. The more I spin it, the more the fans will not question either myself or FSG and therein buy us both valuable time to suck as much money from the club and the fans as we possibly can".