I should send you some A level papers from my day, they would scare the shit out of you. Anybody who thinks exams haven't been seriously dumbed down over time can go back to old papers and have their delusion shattered. 'Twas ever thus, by the way; I've seen School Certificate (taken at age 16) papers from my parents' time and they were as tough as my A levels.
I think the AS papers I did would scare the shit out of you. Less maths and Physics, more writing and explaining in words why something happened. Not what I signed up for....
Although Tenners and V-L doing mid 70's papers has thrown me a little...
I think the AS papers I did would scare the shit out of you. Less maths and Physics, more writing and explaining in words why something happened. Not what I signed up for....
Although Tenners and V-L doing mid 70's papers has thrown me a little...