• #27
I would seriously be thrilled to my core if he* dropped dead, preferably in some kind of novel, ironic way. Let's see:
- buried alive under a truckload of sand.
*Trump, not Obama
- buried alive under a truckload of sand.
• #28
killed by lightning, on his fucking golf course
• #29
while waiting for a paramedic after being hit by a ball
• #30
- buried alive under a truckload of sand
- killed by lightning, on his fucking golf course
- while waiting for a paramedic after being hit by a ball
- buried alive under a truckload of sand
• #31
Fell off the step of his Trump aeroplane when trying to adjust his hair and broke his neck.
• #32
Strangled by his unraveled comb-over.
• #33
Strangled by his unrivaled comb-over.
• #34
The attentions seeking twat is "announcing something huge" re. Obama in a couple of hours sigh
Is this not just the nearly filed divorce papers?
the new stuff re Romney maybe having lied to a court over the worth of Staples looks more interesting...
• #35
Besides all that, why should we allow a shitheaded cunt like him come over here and rape our landscape and ruin the lives of local people so that he can build his disgusting (it will NOT be well designed, it will be a travesty) vanity resort for ignorant, moneyed golfers?
Yep, you have enough twats like him without importing them too.
• #36
The question that I found myself asking (leaving aside "is that hair?" and "how can he be such a cunt?") was why he had chosen to site the golf course there?
By which I mean that if he had chosen the location due to it's dunes, scenary and so forth why did he then bulldoze them?
It would seem that any stretch of coastline could be turned into his vision, as he was essentially starting from scratch.
Hey ho, hopefully the wind-farm will fuck him off, shame about the land but that will hopefully re-generate.
• #37
Last time I checked a Golf course was pretty Green.
Only in terms of "colour"
On the flipside it might be a well designed, job creating, point of attraction.
Is it the sole nature reserve in the East of Scotland?
With the last remnants of a rare breed of waterfowl?
or are there hundreds of miles of similar coastline?
To date it doesn't appear to have provided much in the way of local employment.
I'm not sure the last three questions are relevant.
Alex Salmond's support speaks volumes. Of course, he is a bare faced liar.
• #38
I can't understand how anyone could watch that documentary and take anything positive away. I watched in disbelief and was compelled to keep watching, waiting for the moment where the situation got better, but it just kept getting worse, and then the documentary ended. The way the police acted was shocking and I was stunned and totally dismayed by the end.
Clearly there are some local councillers who are now bathing in "Bucky".
• #39
By which I mean that if he had chosen the location due to it's dunes, scenary and so forth why did he then bulldoze them?
I thought it was obvious that the sand were used for the green rather than scenery.
• #40
How can it be rebuild? history taught us that it's nigh on impossible to rebuild an ecosystem back to it's original condition.
Yes, which is why I said "...in an ideal world..." This, we do not live in.
Although, something could be done. ramming a load of c4 under the fairways/bunkers/greens might help..
• #43
356 members currently online... Get involved!
• #44
It's all Balki's aliases.
• #45
Petition signed. I was incensed after only watching the first five minutes of the documentary.
• #46
on twitter:-
My mother always told me.. Red sky at night, Donald Trump is a shite. Red sky in the morning, Donald Trump is a shite. I love my mum. -
• #47
• #48
It was a beautiful area. Alex Salmand should be fucking shot in the face WAC
To put a bit of balance on the debate, the golf course proposal had huge local support (obviously outwith the Menie estate residents). The local press portrayed those against the bid as lunatic tree hugging weirdos, the two councillors who were vehemently against the bid were kicked out of their party, and much prosperity was promised to the region. When you add in the fact the area has been underfunded for years, Aberdeen is still waiting for a bypass that has been in the planning stages since the early 1950s, and all the ingredients were there for Trump to get his way. Thankfully the local press have been found out to be the corrupt scumbags they are now before they supported more destruction on behalf of large corporations.
• #49
It's interesting to hear that side of it thanks Polco, I empathise greatly with the injustices portrayed in the documetary, and less with the potential prosper. I feel that there are no circumstance under which people should be bullied like that. (not saying you do either..)
I don't beleive in Jesus and that God myself, but Trump does, and I truly hope he burns in their hell for being such a shit of a human being.
CuntTrumpery -
• #50
The attentions seeking twat is "announcing something huge" re. Obama in a couple of hours sigh