• The FHHV Annual General Meeting takes place Nov. 22 at 19:00 at the Herne Hill Methodist Church Hall, 155 Half Moon Lane, London SE24 9JG. All paid up Friends are invited. You will hear what the Trust has been working on and plans for the next year. It's also an opportunity for YOU to stand as a Committee member of the Friends if you are interested to work with us in a voluntary position for a one year term, or even as a Friends' Trustee. To stand for election and to vote you need to be a paid up Friend. Then submit an application saying why you want to stand, and be prepared to give a one minute speech before the election. For more information on joining the Friends or the Committee, contact Rebecca Hossain at Rebecca_hossain@hotmail.com.

    IT IS CRITICAL that as many Friends as possible attend for three basic reasons:

    • We will be electing up to 12 officers to make up the Friends Management Committee for the coming year. This is the committee that coordinates everything the Friends do, and we need members to vote for candidates.
    • We will be electing a Friends Trustee for next year, a person to represent the Friends (and by association all users of the Velodrome) on the Herne Hill Velodrome Trust.
    • Members of both the current Friends Committee and of the Herne Hill Velodrome Trust will be reporting on progress to date and plans for the future as well as answering questions from the floor. This will be an excellent chance to find out what is going on and to put things to the Trust.