I've suddenly started receiving spam (I have a few domains - say for example cyoa.tv - which have mailboxes attached. All of a sudden one, which has never received spam before as I don't give out the address to anyone easily, has started receiving 419s - four or five a day.
Suggestions on how to counter this? (Which don't involve changing the address?)
If I contact my hosting company is there some sort of filter they can apply?
I've suddenly started receiving spam (I have a few domains - say for example cyoa.tv - which have mailboxes attached. All of a sudden one, which has never received spam before as I don't give out the address to anyone easily, has started receiving 419s - four or five a day.
Suggestions on how to counter this? (Which don't involve changing the address?)
If I contact my hosting company is there some sort of filter they can apply?