OK, I've just received the invoice from Milltag, 50% of which needs to be paid now, the rest on delivery. You can view the invoice here.
In summary:
Women’s Short Sleeved £35.00
Women’s Long £42.00
Men’s Short £35.00
Men’s Long £42.00
I think the easiest way to do this is pay directly in to my personal bank account so I can make the payment from there.
*Please PM ASAP for my bank details.***
Many thanks!
Sorry lola, don't think Ed added Mark to the list after all but tell me asap if you want one for him.
Everyone - I should have said, please could you pay me the full amount now. Otherwise it'll take a lot longer for me to work out who's paid and who hasn't.
Also, if I don't know you, please let me know your real name when you pay so I know who you are.
Everyone - I should have said, please could you pay me the full amount now. Otherwise it'll take a lot longer for me to work out who's paid and who hasn't.
Also, if I don't know you, please let me know your real name when you pay so I know who you are.