so this may sound funny but my headset removal tool is too wide for 1'' cups, and the 'arms' dont quite catch the headset from inside the headtube
this led me to suspicion that my headset tool is either fucked, or made for 1 1/8only
does anybody on here have a 1'' headset removal tool please?
and yes I did successfully remove the 1 1/8th headset cups with my tool
When I got my Ice Toolz Headset Remover I had to use a pair of pliers to bend out the tips to make it catch on my 1" headset. Took about 30 seconds and still works on the 1 1/8th jobs too.
When I got my Ice Toolz Headset Remover I had to use a pair of pliers to bend out the tips to make it catch on my 1" headset. Took about 30 seconds and still works on the 1 1/8th jobs too.