Assuming you'll run 32mm cross noblies it's roughly the same GI. I'd go a bit longer - most of the circuits I've raced at have long drags at fairly high speeds.
Raced at Oxford yesterday in the end - what looked like a dull sports ground crit track turned out to be a wonderfully muddy swampy woodland / grass track mix. Ran challenge tubs at 20psi for the first time and was amazed by the level of grip and comfort they afforded.
Assuming you'll run 32mm cross noblies it's roughly the same GI. I'd go a bit longer - most of the circuits I've raced at have long drags at fairly high speeds.
Raced at Oxford yesterday in the end - what looked like a dull sports ground crit track turned out to be a wonderfully muddy swampy woodland / grass track mix. Ran challenge tubs at 20psi for the first time and was amazed by the level of grip and comfort they afforded.
Good to finally meet Ramaye too.