Not much of a panorama fan in general,
but really like some of these, too, thanks for sharing!
Concearning the pinhole rocket science -
I had best results with *not *poking a hole through the coke can
(red bull or some ice tea may be thinner / better), but just make a little dint,
then go at it with finest sanpaper in circular motions to 'open it' (make a hole).
I heard of 'laser' cut ones but did never use them.
Back in the day I followed a flickr group of people who owned Zero Image pinhole cameras.
Dammit, I want to do pinhole again.
Actually I want to do it digitally now, to be honest -
but after what I've tried out so far you need a really big, really good sensor,
otherwise the image just looks blurry / shit.
Not much of a panorama fan in general,
but really like some of these, too, thanks for sharing!
Concearning the pinhole rocket science -
I had best results with *not *poking a hole through the coke can
(red bull or some ice tea may be thinner / better), but just make a little dint,
then go at it with finest sanpaper in circular motions to 'open it' (make a hole).
I heard of 'laser' cut ones but did never use them.
Back in the day I followed a flickr group of people who owned Zero Image pinhole cameras.
Dammit, I want to do pinhole again.
Actually I want to do it digitally now, to be honest -
but after what I've tried out so far you need a really big, really good sensor,
otherwise the image just looks blurry / shit.