Basically iPhone wins on size (and niceness, ease of use - neither too important as S3 is nice and easy to use), S3 on everything else. What am I missing? Primarily buying it as a phone and amp concerned that S3 might feel too big.
Also, related...
I use Thunderbird as my email client on my laptop and love it. I have a yahoo account and my own domain email addresses running through a firm called 123 reg.
Any suggestions changing email client for perfect integration between smart phone and PC laptop - and how does this affect my decision re: S3 or iPhone?
The bigger android phones are surprisingly easy to get used to. I have a HTC Sensation XL and a Samsung Galaxy Note, when I first got both phones and opened up the box I thought "Oh-o made a mistake here, this is far to large to fit properly in my pocket" in both instances within a week I did not notice it. To be honest I now don't think that I could go back to a phone with a smaller screen as the bigger screens make it easier to use smartphones for email, browsing etc on the go.
The bigger android phones are surprisingly easy to get used to. I have a HTC Sensation XL and a Samsung Galaxy Note, when I first got both phones and opened up the box I thought "Oh-o made a mistake here, this is far to large to fit properly in my pocket" in both instances within a week I did not notice it. To be honest I now don't think that I could go back to a phone with a smaller screen as the bigger screens make it easier to use smartphones for email, browsing etc on the go.