• #2
Yes you can Jools, you might need to get a new circlip if the old one is knackered, and also when putting the bolt back on that holds the spring use a little loctite threadlock and don't overtighten it.
• #3
took the circlip off last night but couldn't work out how to get the pin out
I will post pics tonight
• #4
They are "peened" in, a good method of getting them out is to use a metal punch to carefully knock it out, use a piece of wood with a hole drilled out as a support and for the pin to fall into. If done carefully you can reuse the pin, when putting it back in use the punch to re peen it. Or file the "peened" end around (not flat as you might be able to re use if you just take a little off the sides) and just knock out, then buy the replacement pin from campy or look around for something similiar (either your local hobby shop or wickes have pretty good selections). hope this helps
Is it possible to disassemble?
I have 2 that have faults that I was hoping to build one from