I've moved flat recently and realised I've got an excess of audio equipment that I don't use and takes up a lot of space. Thought I'd put them on here before they go on eBay. I've looked at prices everything sells for on eBay and reduced the price by a tenner or more...
Collection from Clapton, E5 OEX. No posting I'm afraid, it's all big or heavy. If you buy a few bits, I'll give you a discount.
Yamaha DSP-A5 AV Reciever Amplifier - £45SOLD
A great amp for music and 5.1 surround sound films. Superb sound quality and loads of connections. These normally go on eBay for £50-£60. Full working order. Comes with remote.
Yamaha RX-V470 Reciever Amplifier - SOLD
Another great sounding amp, not as many connections as the one above so probably better suited for just music. Full working order.
Mission 731i Bookshelf Speakers - £22SOLD
I love these speakers... but I don't need to 2 pairs of them. Made in England, they have incredible sound quality and can go very loud when needed. A quick google will confirm just how good these are. Again, full working order.
Atacama Speaker Stands - £20
Heavy duty speaker stands (perfect for the above speakers). 60cm high.
Gale Speaker Stands - £10
More suitable for rear or smaller speakers. 70cm high.
Stanton SK-2F Scratch Mixer - £40 Dibbed
A really good mixer. I won't list all the features (you can read them here) but it's great for scratching, a really fast adjustable optical cross fader. Limited edition black colour. Full working order.
Samsung SyncMaster 2333T LCD 23" Monitor - SOLD
Bought for £130. Perfect working order, no dead pixels. Comes with both DVI and VGA cables. Works with Macs and PCs.
I've moved flat recently and realised I've got an excess of audio equipment that I don't use and takes up a lot of space. Thought I'd put them on here before they go on eBay. I've looked at prices everything sells for on eBay and reduced the price by a tenner or more...
Collection from Clapton, E5 OEX. No posting I'm afraid, it's all big or heavy. If you buy a few bits, I'll give you a discount.
Yamaha DSP-A5 AV Reciever Amplifier - £45 SOLD
A great amp for music and 5.1 surround sound films. Superb sound quality and loads of connections. These normally go on eBay for £50-£60. Full working order. Comes with remote.
Review: http://www.dvd.reviewer.co.uk/reviews/hardware.asp?Index=2549
Manual: http://www2.yamaha.co.jp/manual/pdf/av/english/am/DSP-A5.pdf
Yamaha RX-V470 Reciever Amplifier - SOLD
Another great sounding amp, not as many connections as the one above so probably better suited for just music. Full working order.
Manual: http://www2.yamaha.co.jp/manual/pdf/av/english/re/RX-V470_e.pdf
Mission 731i Bookshelf Speakers - £22 SOLD
I love these speakers... but I don't need to 2 pairs of them. Made in England, they have incredible sound quality and can go very loud when needed. A quick google will confirm just how good these are. Again, full working order.
Atacama Speaker Stands - £20
Heavy duty speaker stands (perfect for the above speakers). 60cm high.
Gale Speaker Stands - £10
More suitable for rear or smaller speakers. 70cm high.
Stanton SK-2F Scratch Mixer - £40 Dibbed
A really good mixer. I won't list all the features (you can read them here) but it's great for scratching, a really fast adjustable optical cross fader. Limited edition black colour. Full working order.
Review: http://www.djbooth.net/index/dj-equipment/review/stanton-sk-2f
and this chap has handily done a walk through... Stanton SK2F Limited Edition Mixer - YouTube
Samsung SyncMaster 2333T LCD 23" Monitor - SOLD
Bought for £130. Perfect working order, no dead pixels. Comes with both DVI and VGA cables. Works with Macs and PCs.