Except I think the spectators to those events have a clue it's fixed ;)
Plus those are actually entertaining!
Men hitting each other with folding tables, it doesn't get better than that does it?
Sorry Rob, a bit confused. Is it at the Ghent 6 Day, or Revolutions that I would get to see men hitting each other with folding tables? I assume this is done in the Australian Pursuit. The object being to catch the rider in front, whack him over the head with a chair, then catch the next rider? Can we try this on the advanced Sunday sessions next year? Bagsy, being behind Miles.
I totally agree the TV coverage of Revolution last year was worse than appalling. I recorded them and on average the race time made up about 40% of the air time, the rest being the intro, two uninteresting men talking to one another, and adverts. (Yes I was that bored).
Revolution needs jazzing up for it to work on TV. For example adding flashy disco lights tracking riders, a sound system and a good MC. would make entertaining viewing, a bit like WWF, or whatever it is called. After all Revolution is not meant to ape the Olympics, World Cup or Champs. I would've thought it should be more like a 6 day.
Sorry Rob, a bit confused. Is it at the Ghent 6 Day, or Revolutions that I would get to see men hitting each other with folding tables? I assume this is done in the Australian Pursuit. The object being to catch the rider in front, whack him over the head with a chair, then catch the next rider? Can we try this on the advanced Sunday sessions next year? Bagsy, being behind Miles.
I totally agree the TV coverage of Revolution last year was worse than appalling. I recorded them and on average the race time made up about 40% of the air time, the rest being the intro, two uninteresting men talking to one another, and adverts. (Yes I was that bored).
Revolution needs jazzing up for it to work on TV. For example adding flashy disco lights tracking riders, a sound system and a good MC. would make entertaining viewing, a bit like WWF, or whatever it is called. After all Revolution is not meant to ape the Olympics, World Cup or Champs. I would've thought it should be more like a 6 day.