BRB aren't a bad bunch - I used to work underneath them for a while. I would ask them nicely what the chances are of a site visit, but bear in mind there is work currently going on to refurbish the roof, which may limit access.
I imagine physical access is through Network Rail as BRB have very few staff who are civil servants based in offices in York/London. I think it's the York lot you want as they look after structures, but they only give out a London number.
To the public, not at all.
They're now owned by BRB Residuary (what's left of British Rail - British Rail Board Residuary). They have a page about them here:
BRB aren't a bad bunch - I used to work underneath them for a while. I would ask them nicely what the chances are of a site visit, but bear in mind there is work currently going on to refurbish the roof, which may limit access.
I imagine physical access is through Network Rail as BRB have very few staff who are civil servants based in offices in York/London. I think it's the York lot you want as they look after structures, but they only give out a London number.