As I've mentioned before, I've got a pressure gauge rig if anyone ever needs to borrow it.
I'd say it's probably worth doing as you'll be brewing beans at the sort of grind that they were roasted for. The tighter grind for higher pressure means more extraction.
That said, when you first get your machine, you'll be fannying around with lots of variables until you get consisten pours.
Those half price beans from Tesco would be decent for making shots for pouring down the sink.
As I've mentioned before, I've got a pressure gauge rig if anyone ever needs to borrow it.
I'd say it's probably worth doing as you'll be brewing beans at the sort of grind that they were roasted for. The tighter grind for higher pressure means more extraction.
That said, when you first get your machine, you'll be fannying around with lots of variables until you get consisten pours.
Those half price beans from Tesco would be decent for making shots for pouring down the sink.