B&D, have you found the fees at all prohibitive? I've been told that they often charge a fixed rate and take a % of rental income which after general upkeep can sometimes leave you out of pocket...?
I managed to negotiate a deal that started about two years ago where I pay them a fee to find the tenant and then a percentage every month.
IIRC it's 8% of the pre-vat revenue.
They've allowed me to use my own plumber (a pal) instead of their "approved partner" so he does whatever needs to be done for the price of a curry.
I managed to negotiate a deal that started about two years ago where I pay them a fee to find the tenant and then a percentage every month.
IIRC it's 8% of the pre-vat revenue.
They've allowed me to use my own plumber (a pal) instead of their "approved partner" so he does whatever needs to be done for the price of a curry.