If you want minimum commited cost, you can do it via paypal (no monthly fee, they take about 5% of each transaction IIRC) in combination with a cheapo web hosting provider, which I think you can get for around $5 per month. You don't need any software, unless you want something to help you generate the HTML for the site.
Thanks for the reply. It's for a disabled led social enterprise, some of whom will have learning disabilities so I want to avoid any need for intermediate IT skills. The Market is also the blue rinse sector so paypal is probablynot common for them either, rather cheques & pdq / credit cards etc. Few other people seem to produce accessible software, so it's a long trawl for something appropriate.
Thanks for the reply. It's for a disabled led social enterprise, some of whom will have learning disabilities so I want to avoid any need for intermediate IT skills. The Market is also the blue rinse sector so paypal is probablynot common for them either, rather cheques & pdq / credit cards etc. Few other people seem to produce accessible software, so it's a long trawl for something appropriate.