I was once going through a junction in the pissing rain on an 80s racer with 80s brakes and 80s steel rims so my stopping power was about as good as you might expect. It was also the first time I'd really ridden the bike. I had a green light so wasn't really expecting to slow down, then some dude in a suit leapt out into the road in front of me (i say "in front of me", he was probably about 4 metres away). When I grabbed the brakes they predictably did fuck all, so I shouted "WHOAAAAA" at him, more in panic than as a warning, and he stepped back onto the pavement and said "alright, alright, for fuck's sake" in a really narky voice. Wonder if he'd have been less pissed off if I'd actually faceplanted into him.
I rode the rest of the way home at 8mph and still almost got knocked off because I wasn't able to stop in time when some FUCKING CUNT ON A BIKE jumped a red light and went right into me. Come to think if I said "WHOA" to him, as well, as he clipped me and wobbled off.
I was once going through a junction in the pissing rain on an 80s racer with 80s brakes and 80s steel rims so my stopping power was about as good as you might expect. It was also the first time I'd really ridden the bike. I had a green light so wasn't really expecting to slow down, then some dude in a suit leapt out into the road in front of me (i say "in front of me", he was probably about 4 metres away). When I grabbed the brakes they predictably did fuck all, so I shouted "WHOAAAAA" at him, more in panic than as a warning, and he stepped back onto the pavement and said "alright, alright, for fuck's sake" in a really narky voice. Wonder if he'd have been less pissed off if I'd actually faceplanted into him.
I rode the rest of the way home at 8mph and still almost got knocked off because I wasn't able to stop in time when some FUCKING CUNT ON A BIKE jumped a red light and went right into me. Come to think if I said "WHOA" to him, as well, as he clipped me and wobbled off.