• If in doubt, follow the money. The trouble with wanting your bank not to lose track of your money is that your bank keeps track of your money. If it happened, and somebody wants to know it happened, there will a trail which a forensic accountant can follow. Nike and HV won't have been stupid enough* to make the payment direct and with the reference "Re: covering up Armstrong +ve doping result", but somehow the money will have got from one place to the other, and people will be called to explain what they were buying and selling every time the money moved.

    *Well, Nike won't; with HV, all bets are off.

    Although to be honest I was surprised about how Lance made payments to Ferarri directly....seemed a bit stupid when he'd declared under oath he had no relationship with him. Maybe we're giving them all way too much credit to have some clandestine mooney network....


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