I think it is a little harsh for a company (Nike) to drop Lance when they were obviosly not only aware of his doping but complicit in it as well (with the cover up moneys).
Lances biggest crime is that he is a prick. When young riders step up to the pro peleton (or did in the 90s) it seemed like the norm for coaches to say 'right, your a good rider, now its time to be a 'pro' and this is just part of being a pro cyclist. It seems that Lance (and the others) saw this as the norm and therefore decided that along with training harder they would dope harder as it was part and parcel of the job.
No doubt that Lance is a lieing cheating shitbag, but, reading all this hasnt made me think 'oh my god, Lance doped, throw the book at him, it has made me think how coaches, sponsers, the UCI have pressured ambitious young riders into thinking that to make it in the sport that they have given there life to so far they have to dope.
It seems that this has now chainged but we can never be sure. I for one will put it to one side and wait eagerly for the spring classics and the fun that will bring. Can Thomas step up on the cobbles? Will Boonen and Cancalara cancel themselves out? Will Cav win Milan San Remo? Will Gilbert smash every race he starts like 2011? I cant fucking wait!
I think it is a little harsh for a company (Nike) to drop Lance when they were obviosly not only aware of his doping but complicit in it as well (with the cover up moneys).
Lances biggest crime is that he is a prick. When young riders step up to the pro peleton (or did in the 90s) it seemed like the norm for coaches to say 'right, your a good rider, now its time to be a 'pro' and this is just part of being a pro cyclist. It seems that Lance (and the others) saw this as the norm and therefore decided that along with training harder they would dope harder as it was part and parcel of the job.
No doubt that Lance is a lieing cheating shitbag, but, reading all this hasnt made me think 'oh my god, Lance doped, throw the book at him, it has made me think how coaches, sponsers, the UCI have pressured ambitious young riders into thinking that to make it in the sport that they have given there life to so far they have to dope.
It seems that this has now chainged but we can never be sure. I for one will put it to one side and wait eagerly for the spring classics and the fun that will bring. Can Thomas step up on the cobbles? Will Boonen and Cancalara cancel themselves out? Will Cav win Milan San Remo? Will Gilbert smash every race he starts like 2011? I cant fucking wait!