I don't want to be a dick about it and I approve of the rule in theory but I don't get how you are supposed to turn down side roads in central London if you always give way to all pedestrians, in some places there's basically never a point where there isn't someone trying to cross the road.
really? yes there's always someone trying to cross. indicate, make your aural warning of choice if you feel the need, bell or voice, wait until there's a gap (there will be a gap, you just have to wait) or more often than not, some of those people walking will see you and wait for you. not so problematic really.
really? yes there's always someone trying to cross. indicate, make your aural warning of choice if you feel the need, bell or voice, wait until there's a gap (there will be a gap, you just have to wait) or more often than not, some of those people walking will see you and wait for you. not so problematic really.