Here's a new photo of mine.
I'd been using risers and my Wald 139 basket for a couple of months and fancied a change so went back to bullhorns (Thanks for the Cane Creek lever by the way, Wardy!)
Having ridden like this for about a week now, I'm much happier with the bullhorns, but need the basket back.
Of course it doesn't fit properly when mounted to the bars, been hoping to find a porteur style front rack to zip tie it to.
I also went to unlock my bike this morning before work and someone had nicked my Knog lights as well as all the lights on the other bikes, bloody perfect!
Here's a new photo of mine.
I'd been using risers and my Wald 139 basket for a couple of months and fancied a change so went back to bullhorns (Thanks for the Cane Creek lever by the way, Wardy!)
Having ridden like this for about a week now, I'm much happier with the bullhorns, but need the basket back.
Of course it doesn't fit properly when mounted to the bars, been hoping to find a porteur style front rack to zip tie it to.
I also went to unlock my bike this morning before work and someone had nicked my Knog lights as well as all the lights on the other bikes, bloody perfect!