Thats all really good info. I know all the info isn't straight forward and making a list I guess isn't conclusive. I thought guidelines on what's available would help people a bit.
Personally I'm really interested in learning about geo and what's good for polo and why. It can't vary that much between people's ideas / companies? Ie what's a good trail? I understand that the smaller the wheel base the better.
I'm very happy with my bike, Ryan IMO is the best around atm and made my frame awesome. Personally I'd like a lighter bike and apparently there's room for improvement on what I have. He might be just out my budget at £650 f&f painted however, so for the first time I'm considering a 14. I'll wait for the new bikes and price guides but more importantly to see if Melbourne polo is any good. ;)
Thats all really good info. I know all the info isn't straight forward and making a list I guess isn't conclusive. I thought guidelines on what's available would help people a bit.
Personally I'm really interested in learning about geo and what's good for polo and why. It can't vary that much between people's ideas / companies? Ie what's a good trail? I understand that the smaller the wheel base the better.
I'm very happy with my bike, Ryan IMO is the best around atm and made my frame awesome. Personally I'd like a lighter bike and apparently there's room for improvement on what I have. He might be just out my budget at £650 f&f painted however, so for the first time I'm considering a 14. I'll wait for the new bikes and price guides but more importantly to see if Melbourne polo is any good. ;)