photographer walking along the road with a bicycle minus its front wheel, having parked his bicycle nearby
a man is spotted (scavenger-type with baseball cap, quite short, with Asian appearance) carrying a lone quick-release bicycle wheel
man challenged by the photographer
scavenger-man boards the 106 bus heading north up Mare Street to make his get-away
both of us caught in indecision decline to pursue
bicyclists 0 scavenger-of-stolen-bicycle-parts 1
musing: could have challenged the scavenger-man better by grabbing the wheel, making more of a public scene on the bus, and threatening a Citizen's Arrest (!!).. next time..
Another tale of bicycle crime from the hotspot which is where the Well Street meets Mare Street
bicyclists 0 scavenger-of-stolen-bicycle-parts 1
musing: could have challenged the scavenger-man better by grabbing the wheel, making more of a public scene on the bus, and threatening a Citizen's Arrest (!!).. next time..