Been meaning to post up some pictures for a while but never really had a chance. This Robin Mather track frame came up on here, so I decided to sell a spare frame and one in use to fund this. Couldn't resist.
The job was to strip the Brother frame in the background and move all the bits to the Mather. This is the result. I've had this at Herne Hill a few times recently, but this is it in commuter mode.
Very happy so far, though I have some fiddling to do. Gridds on here has done a nice build of a similar Mather road bike painted in the same colourway.
Been meaning to post up some pictures for a while but never really had a chance. This Robin Mather track frame came up on here, so I decided to sell a spare frame and one in use to fund this. Couldn't resist.
The job was to strip the Brother frame in the background and move all the bits to the Mather. This is the result. I've had this at Herne Hill a few times recently, but this is it in commuter mode.
Very happy so far, though I have some fiddling to do. Gridds on here has done a nice build of a similar Mather road bike painted in the same colourway.