The photo is missing the hub! The freewheel screws onto the hub.
The perspective of the photo is from the front of the bike looking backwards, which is why there are more spacers on the left-hand side of the photo (the spacers fit inside the freewheel): "In the case of a hub originally meant for a multi-speed freewheel, there is usually a rather thick spacer on the right (freewheel) side of the hub."
So if you swap spacers from the drive side to the non-drive side, that will shift the hub across, changing the chainline.
Once you've got that right, you'll then need to re-dish the wheel to centre the rim. A bike shop can easily and cheaply do this.
Before you do this, it would be a good idea to measure the chainline so you have an idea what sort of adjustment you need to make, rather than blind trial and error.
The photo is missing the hub! The freewheel screws onto the hub.
The perspective of the photo is from the front of the bike looking backwards, which is why there are more spacers on the left-hand side of the photo (the spacers fit inside the freewheel): "In the case of a hub originally meant for a multi-speed freewheel, there is usually a rather thick spacer on the right (freewheel) side of the hub."
So if you swap spacers from the drive side to the non-drive side, that will shift the hub across, changing the chainline.
Once you've got that right, you'll then need to re-dish the wheel to centre the rim. A bike shop can easily and cheaply do this.
Before you do this, it would be a good idea to measure the chainline so you have an idea what sort of adjustment you need to make, rather than blind trial and error.