Anyone interested in a 10t micro drive fixed hub. There was an error from a company across the pond. I was sent 2 packages by mistake I also would be receiving spike front hub, 31t sprocket, spike headset and bb also a couple of fgfs DVDs: can't fool the youth and big money hustlaz.
I wanted to see if there is enough interest to warrant paying for the second package plus customs charge.
Anyone interested in a 10t micro drive fixed hub. There was an error from a company across the pond. I was sent 2 packages by mistake I also would be receiving spike front hub, 31t sprocket, spike headset and bb also a couple of fgfs DVDs: can't fool the youth and big money hustlaz.
I wanted to see if there is enough interest to warrant paying for the second package plus customs charge.
If anyone is interested, give me a shout.