Last day at work today and this was getting binned
So needless to say, it went into the boot of my car rather then a skip.
It'll do me as a ratty winter commuter I think but I need to 'de-blue-ify' it somehow as my new job is a stone's throw away from Celtic Park and well, if any of you are familiar with Glasgow's two football teams you'll see my problem!
Tape rather than a respray I think as the paint's in pretty good nick so it'd be a shame to destroy it.
Last day at work today and this was getting binned
So needless to say, it went into the boot of my car rather then a skip.
It'll do me as a ratty winter commuter I think but I need to 'de-blue-ify' it somehow as my new job is a stone's throw away from Celtic Park and well, if any of you are familiar with Glasgow's two football teams you'll see my problem!
Tape rather than a respray I think as the paint's in pretty good nick so it'd be a shame to destroy it.