I've cycled this - I'm just on the way out at the moment, but I'll post some more details later on. As far as I remember there are sections that are pretty much single track and will be a bit of a struggle on anything other than a MTB - though would depend a bit on how muddy it is. But the majority is on very easy towpath and would be no problem.
I'm sure I had a proper map somewhere that included some specific cycle instructions - I'll have a look when I get home again.
I've cycled this - I'm just on the way out at the moment, but I'll post some more details later on. As far as I remember there are sections that are pretty much single track and will be a bit of a struggle on anything other than a MTB - though would depend a bit on how muddy it is. But the majority is on very easy towpath and would be no problem.
I'm sure I had a proper map somewhere that included some specific cycle instructions - I'll have a look when I get home again.