• Okay, so the preliminary itinerary is now on page one, first post. This will of course be modified depending on the eventual outcry and disdain from the crowd and also after I've done a live recce. Participating bars can be found here: http://www.diffordsguide.com/london-cocktail-week/cocktail-tours

    Feel free to voice your concerns and all considerations will be taken into account. I've intentionally avoided a lot of Shoreditch time though because of the bike theft and the attention a large pile would attract.

    Don't forget you need to buy your £4 wrist band from the link above (and add paid to your name)

    1. Long Island Ice Tibbs - PAID
    2. Dom P
    3. Poos on the beach
    4. Hoef-cut
    5. Petrowhan Tequilla
    6. Hennessy XH
    7. Moscoot Mule
    8. Salty Sumo
    9. Old Fashioned amey + Lé girlfriend
    10. Extra Dry Pootini
    11. Ouzo
    12. tommmmmmmargarita
    13. Rob[oto] Roy
    14. Skully Sour
    15. Butters n Soda
    16. Kiss from Shinkuu
    17. cosmobipolitan
    18. BrakeRussian
    19. Grasspopser
    20. mountaingoat-Tomate
    21. dimi cunt fizz special brew™®
    22. Daiquiri Dave
    23. Fade to black
    24. Tom Colloins
    25. eein&tonic
    26. bettini
    27. manhatsan
    28. quattro bianchi
    29. jake brown's and coke
    30. se1derful sling