I must say I owe my life to a Leatherman tool, (carrying out a repair to a small boat in Algeciras bay in the dark, with a big ship bearing down on me), as does one of my dogs, cutting a collar free when caught in a thorn bush on a crag in Scotland, and a Swan trapped by fishing line. It has certainly made thousands of everyday problems insignificant. I would never leave home without it. It as at least as much of a comfort blanket as anything else.
I must say I owe my life to a Leatherman tool, (carrying out a repair to a small boat in Algeciras bay in the dark, with a big ship bearing down on me), as does one of my dogs, cutting a collar free when caught in a thorn bush on a crag in Scotland, and a Swan trapped by fishing line. It has certainly made thousands of everyday problems insignificant. I would never leave home without it. It as at least as much of a comfort blanket as anything else.