Just got in from a long long ride around North Wales and the Wirral, which accidentally became the longest ride I've done. Accidentally in the sense that if I'd taken a map, known where I was going, and not been a fool, it would probably only have been 40 miles or so.
I decided shortly after setting off that my destination was Parkgate, a village on the Dee Estuary side of the Wirral. It used to be right on the waterfront, and while the fish and chip shops, ice cream parlours and sea wall remain, the estuary has receded by about a mile, leaving behind completely flat marshland and a really weird atmosphere. After 46 occasionally very frustrating miles, I got there:
As luck would have it, right where I stopped, there was a shop selling tea, Kendal Mint Cake and flapjacks.
My route there had taken me over the River Dee and back, and through Connah's Quay, which is probably second only to Rhyl in the running for worst town in North Wales. I also ended up in a dead end on an industrial estate which must also have contained a sewage works, as for a mile or so there was the strong and unmistakeable stench of human feces.
It wasn't really a pleasant day's riding, but after moping around with a tonsil infection for the last few days, it was great to go out there and actually achieve something.
Sadly either Strava or I fucked up somewhere and I lost five miles or so on the outskirts of Chester, but I think it's still my longest ride, certainly my longest with gears.
Just got in from a long long ride around North Wales and the Wirral, which accidentally became the longest ride I've done. Accidentally in the sense that if I'd taken a map, known where I was going, and not been a fool, it would probably only have been 40 miles or so.
I decided shortly after setting off that my destination was Parkgate, a village on the Dee Estuary side of the Wirral. It used to be right on the waterfront, and while the fish and chip shops, ice cream parlours and sea wall remain, the estuary has receded by about a mile, leaving behind completely flat marshland and a really weird atmosphere. After 46 occasionally very frustrating miles, I got there:
As luck would have it, right where I stopped, there was a shop selling tea, Kendal Mint Cake and flapjacks.
My route there had taken me over the River Dee and back, and through Connah's Quay, which is probably second only to Rhyl in the running for worst town in North Wales. I also ended up in a dead end on an industrial estate which must also have contained a sewage works, as for a mile or so there was the strong and unmistakeable stench of human feces.
It wasn't really a pleasant day's riding, but after moping around with a tonsil infection for the last few days, it was great to go out there and actually achieve something.
Sadly either Strava or I fucked up somewhere and I lost five miles or so on the outskirts of Chester, but I think it's still my longest ride, certainly my longest with gears.