• The London Cycling Campaign in Hackney is proud to present Hackney's Car-free Day for 2012, which will be taking place on and around the Cat & Mutton Bridge (south of Broadway Market, E8) on the 22nd September, from 9am to 6pm.

    Please join us for this annual celebration of car-free urban living. Car-free Day, as part of European Mobility Week, is a big event in Europe, where Spain, for instance, has 394 events registered this year.


    We have organised or helped organise Car-free Day events almost every year since 2001, and we have always taken care that the events took place where we wanted a project for change to be undertaken. Back in 2001, our target was the Shoreditch one-way system, which was partly returned to two-way operation a year later. A more recent success is Goldsmith's Row, which the Council turned into a motor-free street last year, and where we held Car-free Day in 2010.

    This time around, it is our campaigning ambition to have a bus-and-cycle-only filter introduced on the Cat & Mutton bridge and to enable the route of the eastbound 394 bus to be re-routed along Andrews Road. The latter would permit Broadway Market to be expanded into the space between Ada Street and Andrews Road. We are hoping that it will be possible for London Buses to test this operation on the day. (The 394 bus currently has a split alignment between Ada Street (eastbound) and Andrews Road (westbound), which prevents expansion of the market, and without reducing motor traffic in Andrews Road it will not be possible to re-route the bus.)

    Look forward to seeing you there!
