This has been sat around in the back of the garage for god knows how long, 7 years maybe so it's gathered a bit of rust which is a shame, but I'm sure a bit of loving can restore it to a good condition.
I really really don't know what sort of price it's worth, it's a 58 or 60cm seat tube I believe. I can find out more if it generates enough interest.
It comes with everything pictured.
I'll start it off at £150, let me know if you think if this price is unfair. I'm selling on behalf of my Dad, he'd like it to go to a good home. All things regarding price will be up to him, so he'll reply to PM's/questions. If you want more pictures just ask, I'll upload with on the day.
This has been sat around in the back of the garage for god knows how long, 7 years maybe so it's gathered a bit of rust which is a shame, but I'm sure a bit of loving can restore it to a good condition.
I really really don't know what sort of price it's worth, it's a 58 or 60cm seat tube I believe. I can find out more if it generates enough interest.
It comes with everything pictured.
I'll start it off at £150, let me know if you think if this price is unfair. I'm selling on behalf of my Dad, he'd like it to go to a good home. All things regarding price will be up to him, so he'll reply to PM's/questions. If you want more pictures just ask, I'll upload with on the day.