Bit disappointing, had nowt in the legs this morning compared to the running I've been doing recently. Certainly felt like my pace was off by at least 10 seconds/mile, which would've given me a time I'd be much more satisfied with.
Comparing today with the 10k I did as training last week, they were pretty much the same pace (3 seconds/mile faster today), but my average heartrate was 6 bpm lower than previously. Guess this is good since it suggests I'm getting fitter, but what would cause my legs to feel so crap I wasn't able to push myself more?
As for the race itself, start was very crowded and on a pretty narrow path. I'd got myself in amongst the running equivalent of nodders so spent the first mile on the grass trying to get past them. Course is good although it's amazing how running suddenly adds 'hills' to places you previously thought were flat.
Hopefully the winter series over the next six months will be less busy, especially as I've just enthusiastically signed myself up for the whole lot of 'em.
Bit disappointing, had nowt in the legs this morning compared to the running I've been doing recently. Certainly felt like my pace was off by at least 10 seconds/mile, which would've given me a time I'd be much more satisfied with.
Comparing today with the 10k I did as training last week, they were pretty much the same pace (3 seconds/mile faster today), but my average heartrate was 6 bpm lower than previously. Guess this is good since it suggests I'm getting fitter, but what would cause my legs to feel so crap I wasn't able to push myself more?
As for the race itself, start was very crowded and on a pretty narrow path. I'd got myself in amongst the running equivalent of nodders so spent the first mile on the grass trying to get past them. Course is good although it's amazing how running suddenly adds 'hills' to places you previously thought were flat.
Hopefully the winter series over the next six months will be less busy, especially as I've just enthusiastically signed myself up for the whole lot of 'em.