It's the polished aluminium version, same with the BB.
I can't make my mind up whether to sell the bike complete to someone racing up my way (Manchester) or split it for parts. I'd get more doing the latter because the wheels are very collectable, and of an earlier era to the rest of the bike, so they're possibly not interesting to someone who just wants modern racing parts. I'm wanting to advertise them here first as it seems that high-end classic Italian track stuff is popular.
It's the polished aluminium version, same with the BB.
I can't make my mind up whether to sell the bike complete to someone racing up my way (Manchester) or split it for parts. I'd get more doing the latter because the wheels are very collectable, and of an earlier era to the rest of the bike, so they're possibly not interesting to someone who just wants modern racing parts. I'm wanting to advertise them here first as it seems that high-end classic Italian track stuff is popular.
Cheers for asking.