Don't mean to rain on your parade and obviously these things are subjective, but I have to agree with doppelkorn.
It's just that it's very close to looking really great, and with a few changes I think you could make it look a lot more accomplished, as it's just a bit busy looking at the moment. Replacing the yellow bar tape with brown that matches the saddle, would calm it down I think.
Also I'm not quite sure about the tyres, I think they look great, it's just the combination with everything else I'm not so sure about. There are just so many bright and shiny parts on the bike. Maybe just changing the bartape would be enough. If it isn't, I would look at different tyres next, something a bit less bright.
Obviously this is just my opinion, feel free to ignore it. However, I think that it's more useful for everyone, if people post what they think, rather than just write "nice bike" even if they don't think so :)
Don't mean to rain on your parade and obviously these things are subjective, but I have to agree with doppelkorn.
It's just that it's very close to looking really great, and with a few changes I think you could make it look a lot more accomplished, as it's just a bit busy looking at the moment. Replacing the yellow bar tape with brown that matches the saddle, would calm it down I think.
Also I'm not quite sure about the tyres, I think they look great, it's just the combination with everything else I'm not so sure about. There are just so many bright and shiny parts on the bike. Maybe just changing the bartape would be enough. If it isn't, I would look at different tyres next, something a bit less bright.
Obviously this is just my opinion, feel free to ignore it. However, I think that it's more useful for everyone, if people post what they think, rather than just write "nice bike" even if they don't think so :)